I'm finding the latter film damn intriguing!

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Jul 24·edited Jul 24Author

Not easy to get hold of right now but I can let you know where to find it.

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I quite enjoyed To the Ends of the Earth. If we're asking what it's about, I think that, in addition to what you said, it's also about how travel -- even the most contrived, commercialized travel specifically to make a tv documentary -- can involve at least a few moments of real encounter with another place, another culture, how something authentic can leak through.

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How about my fan theory that in fact the last few scenes are not "reality" but her fantasy. There's something particularly in the fact that she can't get a phone signal at all in the hotel, even on the roof, but suddenly her boyfriend calls her and she has a long conversation.

At that point all problems are solved, director gone, fisherman cooperative, goat happy in the green hills... and she becomes Julie Andrews.

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I'd have to watch the film again.

Have you seen the latter two films in the so-called Abbas Kiarostami Koker Trilogy, And Life Goes On/Life and Nothing Else and Through the Olive Trees? Those strike me as thematic and tonal parallels for this film, with the same combination of local color and metafiction.

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I'll have to check them out, thanks for the indication

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